girl who code • mostly iOS  👩🏼‍💻

Karolina Samorek

Senior Software Engineer

I am a Software Engineer with over 9 years of experience. I work with self-organizing remote teams. I have a passion-driven mindset and a goal to provide desirable and meaningful products for users and a business.


Feb 2021 - Current

Senior iOS Developer


Apr 2017 - Jan 2021

Senior iOS Engineer


Work on several startup products, including iOS and Web applications in IoT, Finance, Productivity, Health and Fashion. Develop internal R&D projects and open source libraries. Promote a high standard of engineering practices: Clean Architecture, unit/UI/integration testing (BDD, TDD), git-flow, code review, continuous refactoring/code improvement, pair programming, CI, CD. Working in Scrum in Teal organisation.

Feb 2016 - Jun 2017

iOS Developer


Develop iOS social application for dogs’ owners. Using Swift and Obj-C. Refactor app to MVVM+C architecture.

Oct 2015 - Mar 2017

Software Engineer


Develop iOS applications for heating system control. Using Swift, Obj-C, and Xamarin.iOS. Work with international and remote team in Scrum framework.

Jun 2015 - Sept 2015

Software Developer


Develop and maintenance of hotel platform using .NET, WCF, C#, Ruby. Work with MongoDB and Elasticsearch, Git, RhinoMocks, NUnit, MSTest, RSpec, Jenkins.

Feb 2013 - Jun 2015

Software Developer

Design and develop applications using .NET, WPF, (MVVM), WCF, C#, C++. Focus on multithread. Work with MySQL, MongoDB, Git, RhinoMocks, xUnit, Jenkins. Work on the project closely with the client (Scrum).



+ 9 years

Unit/UI/Integration testing (BDD, TDD), Git, Git-flow, CI & CD, Clean code, Software architecture, Code review, Continuous refactoring/code improvement, Pair programming.

iOS Development

+ 6 years

Swift, iOS, Obj-C, Obj-C++, Xcode, AppCode, RxSwift, Reactive programming, MVVM, Viper, Clean Architecture, MVP App distribiution, Fastlane, Bitrise

Front-end Development

+ 3 years

React, React Native, TypeScript, Javascript, Redux, Expo.


+ 8 years

Scrum, Kanban.


Mar 2016

Professional Scrum Master™

Feb 2013 - Sept 2015

Wroclaw University of Technology

MSc - Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering

Oct 2009 - Feb 2013

Wroclaw University of Technology

BEng - Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering